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I don't think of work as work and play a
Picture of the book "A Passion for Monday" with link to purchase at

Love Monday Just Like Friday

Monday-Loving Individuals

That knot in the pit of your stomach. You know that feeling. It hits sometime on Sunday. Maybe it's Sunday afternoon, maybe around dinner time. If you're lucky, it's that last hour before you go to bed. Monday's already started and it's still Sunday. Monday has robbed you of part of your weekend. Monday's bad, right? It doesn't have to be. 33% of people don't feel that way. Many of them are excited about what Monday brings. All of them have no dread whatsoever. Do you want to join the 33%? Or, are you going to keep surrendering your weekend to an awful Monday?

Monday-Loving Teams & Organizations

Most of your team don't want to see you on Monday morning. It's not personal, they just hate coming to work.  Statistically, 7 out of 10 of the people on your team, and in your organization HATE coming to work for you. Those are U.S. national averages, it may be higher or lower on your team.  Make no mistake, they can LOVE Monday. Be assured you can flip that 7 who hate Monday, to having 7 or 8 or 9 who Love Monday. When they love Monday, it improves productivity, profit, CSAT, retention, safety, shrink, and every other metric you're chasing.

Keynote Speaking

I was once introduced as "the fun speaker" at a conference I keynoted. It was a compliance conference and I shared the stage with several government regulatory officials. Looking back, I don't think their bar was very high. But I'll take it! I AM the fun speaker! Do you need fun and engaging speaker for your next company event? Do you want to inspire the leaders in your organization to inspire their teams? I speak frequently to companies, universities, business organizations, and government agencies. I help people understand the things they can do to LOVE Monday just like Friday but for a different reason. 

Let's Fix Monday

Monday's are broken.


7 out of 10 people hate them. 

5 of those 7 don't really care what they do every day. They're just there, because hey, you gotta work. The other 2 of those 7 really hate their job and they're trying to get their coworkers to hate their jobs too.


What about the 3 in 10? The ones who Love Monday just like Friday but for a different reason. They are enthusiastic about, involved in and committed to their work, and they contribute in positive ways to the organization. If you're a manager, you know already who are among the 3, the 5 and the 2 that make up your own group of 10. 

I can absolutely help you fix Monday. Whether you're an individual who hates Monday or a CEO with 70% of your organization being Monday haters, book a free consultation and let's make a plan for you.


Ryan Houmand Coaching

153 2nd Avenue, #12

Salt Lake City, Utah 84103


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